

The technical and commercial team of Arival Stone has a strong service vocation and involvement in the development of all kinds of projects in which we have the chance to participate, whatever their size, objective and complexity, although we find our true vocation in landscape projects.

Landscaping is a mixture of art and technique in which a multitude of disciplines of design, planning and conservation of gardens and parks are combined. It requires specialists in this area and skills of a pictorial nature to change and improve a site, by combining the use of living elements such as plant coverings that are conditioned by the weather, culture and traditional uses that occur in the different geographies in which these projects are developed.

We understand it as the art to transform a land by taking care of the environment and with sustainable objectives in mind.

For the resolution of these abstract concepts without forgetting about their functionality, we force ourselves to return to the origin of our quarry, turning it into a true testing area in which landscapers discover “the truth” of Arival Stone by experimenting, testing, and investigating different ways of understanding our stone, with innovative solutions that help us in the search of solutions, forcing us to investigate other ways to extract and shape our material.

This is why in the sector of the use of stone, which is as old as the existence of human beings on earth, and in which everything may already be invented or discovered with the aid of landscapers, the art of finding new interpretations and uses to our stone arises.