Our Stone

After 6 out of the 12 scheduled tests were completed, the geologists stopped the work, considering that the information of the analysis of these tests was sufficiently conclusive in order to inform us that we were in front of a mine with a large quantity of totally massive stone. We had under our feet an ornamental rock quarry with an enormous quantity of massive stone, and its color and physical-mechanical characteristics were totally homogeneous from the first to the last meter drilled.
Fortune wanted to create what today, and after 14 years, has become a wonderful life adventure with a long way to go.

“The script of this story involves many people who throughout this time, to a greater or lesser extent, put and continue to put their best efforts into making our wonderful Arival Stone known in almost all the markets in the World. From here and with this mention we want to thank all of you with all our heart, for having helped us get here. Jorge Alejandre Campo and Jose Adolfo Gallo Arce, Founding Partners”.

To this feature, we also add the possibility of supplying it with ALL THE FINISHES that currently exist in the marble industry.
Additionally, given its competent physical-mechanical characteristics, Arival Stone is a stone suitable to be installed in any geographical area of ​​the planet, both outdoors and, of course, indoors.